In person / Virtual Sessions
The best therapy results come from doing one-on-one sessions with our therapists, either in person or virtually. This method of supervision ensures that you are performing the exercises correctly every session. It also allows us to evaluate the source of your injury and customize your program to heal you at the fastest rate possible. We will also provide you with videos of the exercises we select for your specific case.
Rehab System
Our rehab system is called COREX12. The system uses 12 corrective exercises and stabilizer muscle tests (5 hip, 4 shoulder, 3 trunk/core). We also have 6 additional exercises for the wrist, neck, and ankles. If one of these 12 stabilizer muscles is weak, injuries will occur as a result. To heal the client, we simply strengthen the weakness determined from the testing, eliminating the compensations that are causing the injury.
Private Therapy Package Purchase Includes
- 6 Private Sessions, 60 min, to customize programs and perfect rehab technique
- 12 months of online access to Corex12 Rehab APP and instructional videos of all exercises
- See Equipment Needed
- See Rehab Testimonials
- SEE our less expensive 2 SESSION PACKAGE & APP
- The 6 sessions are performed 1x per week with Zach for the first 3 weeks and one session every 2 weeks for the remaining 3 sessions. Spreading the sessions out over 2 months.
- The client performs the rehab program on their own one or two extra times per week, without Zach’s supervision.
Rehab into Fitness or Sports Performance
- The Therapy Package also comes with COREX24 Fitness or Level 1 Sports Training.
- These programs are used to transition the clients from rehab into a regular lifting routine.
- Generally this takes 8-12 weeks working with Zach to fix your injuries and transition into one of these programs.
- You can do these programs on your own following videos or continue working with Zach privately.

“Corrective Exercise System”
12 Exercises To Fix Your Entire Body
Purchase $89, Pricing details below
COREX12 “Corrects 12” is the most important training you will ever do to protect yourself from injuries, heal injuries, and allow you to train longer into your fitness or athletic career.
The reason that the COREX12 foundations are so effective is because they target small muscles that athletes almost never train in the weight room or in physical therapy. The 12 exercises will correctly align your entire body to improve your posture, balance your muscles to increase flexibility, and athletically sculpt your physique.
Website App
The Corex12 online programs & videos are accessed by logging into our App stored onto our website. Works on: laptop, phone, or tablet. Log in-top right corner of this website.
Improving Athletic Performance
Not only is COREX12 for Rehab/Injury Prevention, but the exercises correct muscle imbalances holding athletes back from reaching their top speed, strength, and explosive power.
Targeting 12 Specific Muscles
The 12 Foundation exercises are split into 3 main areas of the body: hips (5), shoulders (4), and core (3). These target specific muscles within each area of the body to rehab injuries and safeguard from injury. >> Learn more about our Feel it to Heal it Method.
The Program is split into 4 days per week: (2 Shoulder/Core, 2 Lower/Hip Days). The sessions take 45-60 minutes per session.
Testing Protocol
Each exercise in Corex12 has simple muscle testing guidelines to know if you are doing the exercise correctly and to modify the exercise program based on your injury. The testing also lets you know if it is safe to transition back into fitness or sports training.
Limited Equipment
The best part about COREX12 is that it does not require much equipment and can be performed in the comfort of your home. See Equipment Needed.

The exercises can be used for the rest of your career to improve athletic performance, rehab injuries and stay injury free.
Program Includes
6 months of access to our programs and instructional videos of all exercises such as:
- COREX12 Total body rehab and fitness routines
- Testing guide to modify programs based on your injury
- Ankle, Wrist, Neck rehab and protective exercises
Program Includes
- Everything in the Corex12 Web App
- 2 private rehab sessions to check exercise form and evaluate injuries
- 12 months of access to our programs

After passing the Corex12 testing and completing 6 sessions of rehab with one of our therapists, clients have the option to transition from rehab into Corex24 Fitness or Level 1 Sports training.
In this section, we talk about the details of Corex24 fitness and in the next section is Level 1 Sports Training.
Corex24 combines the 12 foundation exercises from Corex12, with 12 additional corrective exercises, forming our complete 24 corrective exercise system.
We also add additional lifting exercises to the program using a combination of machines and free weights. We describe it as an athletic body building program.
Program Duration
This program is four days a week with two upper and two lower body days. 60-90min long. The program can be adjusted for advanced or novice lifters.
The goals of Corex24 are as follows:
- Learn to weight train with out getting hurt
- Fully fix your muscle imbalances to heal injuries & Increase Flexibility
- Athletically tone your body and/ or build lean muscle mass.
- Learn the correct diet that works for you.
- Purchased as part of Private Therapy Package
- Includes 6 private 60min video sessions

6 Level Sports Training
If you feel like other sports training programs have let you down and you have not reached your performance goals as an athlete, our 6 Level Performance System will give you the advantage you need to reach your peak performance in speed, strength, and vertical.
See Athletes Testimonials >>
Whether you are a pro or high school athlete, the Best Performance Results come from mastering the first Level of our system. Level 1 corrects small muscle imbalances that hold athletes back from reaching peak speed, strength, and explosive power. Level 1 also focuses on the key foundational lifting and speed exercises to make significant gains as you progress in future Levels.
Rehab into Sport Training
If you are injured, before entering Level 1 you must pass the Corex12 testing and complete 6 sessions of rehab with one of our therapists.
NO Injuries
If you are NOT injured, and want to use our sports training programs, you still need to complete 6 sessions with one of our trainers to insure correct form and optimal performance results when starting Level 1.
Purchase Includes
- Purchased as part of Private Therapy Package
- 6 private 60min video sessions- can be used for both rehab and/or to learn level 1.
- 12 months of online program access from purchase date
- 4 week repeatable training cycles- Level 1 can be repeated multiple times for continued results.
- 4x per week programs, comprised of jumps, sprints, upper/ lower lifting
>> See specific program layouts for lifting, jumps, and sprints
- After completing level 1, clients have the option to TEST to access the next Level of our training.
- The next level testing and programs are an additional charge to Level 1 and require purchasing two more private sessions. Please contact corexcell for more questions. Pete put link to contact page.
Each Level Program Includes
Injury Prevention Exercises & Mobility
- COREX12 foundations & progressions: 5 Hips, 4 Shoulder, 3 Core
- Ankle, Wrist, Neck protective exercises
- Upper and Lower body Stretch Program (Starts in Level 2)
Lifting Upper/Lower Body
- 4-week training cycles per level
- Training duration per session is 1.5-2 hours
- 2x lower body or 4x upper/lower body advanced lifting programs. New exercises at every level
- Safe max testing system for squat, deadlift, & bench
- Properly using chains and bands for squat, deadlift, and bench
- Lifting programs change every level to achieve higher levels of speed, strength, and power.
- Sprint / conditioning programs specifically customized per sport
- Track Sprint Programs designed and periodized per event; Speed work, Speed Endurance, Tempo runs
- Sprint technique drills and sprint mechanics
- Jump programs to maximize explosive power and vertical jump gains
- Technical agility training with cutting techniques to improve first step quickness and elusiveness (Starts in Level 2)
- Approach jump technique for volleyball and dunking (Starts in Level 2)
See Video Samples on App
Online programs & videos are accessed by logging into our App stored on our website. Works on: laptop, phone, or tablet. Log in-top right corner of this website.
We offer Rehab and Sports Training Virtual or In-person Certifications.
Before starting the Rehab or Sports Training Certification, you must pass the Corex12 testing and complete 6 sessions of rehab with one of our therapists. This is purchased under the private therapy package.
Both Certifications are a 3 part process. For more information on pricing and to send you the criteria, please contact us.