Feel It to Heal It-Method
The key to our rehab method is locating where the weaknesses are that are causing the injury. In general, athletes get hurt at the strength in the muscular chain, not the weakness. The stronger muscles over work from lack of support from the weaknesses in the chain and then break down, causing the injury. For instance, if you pull your hamstring it is because it is over worked from lack of strength from the stabilizers in the kinetic chain (Glute Medius and Minimus).
The mistake PTs and trainers make is focusing primarily on strengthening the Hamstring. Where as in our method we would strengthen the root cause first (medius/minimus) and not touch where the injury occurred (hamstring). Once the Glute Medius/Minimus are determined to be properly developed through our testing, then it is safe to go back and strengthen the hamstring.
In other words, fully support the injured area by first strengthening the weaknesses in the chain, then strengthen the damaged tissue in the injured area. This is the basic concept that we apply to every injury.
Corex12- the Root Cause of Injuries
Through 15 plus years of experience working with hundreds of injured athletes, we have determined that the root cause for almost every injury comes down to 12 total muscular weaknesses and exercises in the (Shoulders-4, Core-3, and Hips-5). The exercises are called CoreX12 Foundations. These corrective exercises are not only used for strengthening, but are also used as tests to determine the weakness. In almost all cases, once the weakness is determined and strengthened, the injury pain goes away. >>Purchase our Corex12 APP
Feeling the Correct Spot
The real key to fixing yourself using the Corex12 Foundations is learning how to feel where the exact weakness is located during the exercise. In each of the 12 exercises we have a specific area that you locate by touching it with your hand. Then, when performing any of the 12 exercises, we teach you how to adjust yourself to feel the correct spot.
Once you feel the correct weakness spot, you can begin to strengthen the root cause of the injury and fix it forever. Hence, why the method is called Corex12 “Feel it to Heal it”
Feeling the correct weakness spot is easier said then done, and in most cases, without guidance, many clients in the initial stages will feel more of the compensation then the actual weakness.
Compensation muscles are your body’s way of cheating because it does not have access to one or more of the 12 muscle weaknesses, and therefore, relies on other muscles in the chain to do the job that the weakness cannot.
Compensations are the basis of almost all injuries, and they need to be avoided at all costs to fix the client. Besides locating the correct spot, part of the process for a new client is also educating them on where they DO NOT want to feel the compensation taking over during the exercises.
For example, if you’re working on isolating your rear delt in your shoulder, you do not want to feel your traps and rhomboids working. We only want to feel the rear deltoid.
Depending on the level of compensations, generally it takes 2-4 sessions to pinpoint the weakness and start making progress.
Breaking up Scar Tissue
Keep in mind, scar tissue will not fully release and break up until the 12 foundations are built up. When an injury occurs, the body will protect itself by tightening and locking down the muscle by creating compensations. In addition, the longer the injury occurs, the more scar tissue will build up in the injured area over time.
Think of scar tissue and compensations as being interlinked or the same thing. Strengthen the route cause of the scar tissue/compensations by passing the 12 exercises and then it is safe to stretch or massage to further break up the scar tissue. In most cases, if you attack the scar tissue before the 12 are fixed, you will cause irritation and the same injury problem will remain long term.