Top Fullback Hamstring Problem Gone

This client finished as one of the top Full Backs in the country for Temple. He had a nagging hamstring injury his senior year off and on for 6 months. The trainers and therapist at school could not fix the problem and he was concerned he would not be able to perform during his Pro Day to be drafted in the NFL. After working with Zach for 3 months before his pro day he was able to run full out at the combine and signed a 2 year deal with the Raiders as a Full Back.

Step by Step Protocol to Fix Hamstring Pulls - (4 WEEKS BACK RUNNING!)

This Client was a D2 Baseball player, who kept reinjuring his hamstring for almost an entire year. The school trainers never fixed the problem and every time he would go to sprint he would pull it again. After working with Zach to fix his glutes and hip alignment the hamstring improved to 100% and he was able to run full out in his games without pain or injury.